Why We Write:

The DOLLS blog exists to delight in Christ and to declare his glory, equipping young women to invite their peers to hear the saving message of Jesus Christ. God has not only given us His written Word for us to read and meditate on, He has also given us each other to encourage and build each other up by sharing how His Word has affected our lives in many different ways.

This blog is one of the means to foster our walk with the Lord.

General parameters for content and length:

We encourage all our DOLLS members to submit something that they think will encourage and edify the body. So with that, we are looking for sermon reflections, articles, thoughts, personal devotions, and anything and everything that will serve that purpose.

To help accommodate busy lives, as well as cultivating a deeper enjoyment of reading and reflecting on what we read, we try to keep our posts to something that can be read in under five minutes, which usually hovers around the 750 to 1,000 words mark. However, this is not tightly held. If you have a piece that is much shorter or much longer, we will make exceptions. The goal is to edify the body, not strictly adhere to word length.

If you are interested in submitting a potential blog post for DOLLS, here is a simple procedure to follow:
  • Write potential post. If you have thoughts, write them down. Even if you don’t end up submitting, writing is a great tool to help you think and reason and pray through what the Lord is teaching you.
  • Submit post to the DOLLS Blog Editor (Jessehamrick@Dollsheadquarters.com) – You can also submit to our Director, Gale Carter, if you would like.
  • If you have an image that you think fits your article, then please attach that along with your submission. Just ensure it does not break any copyright use. If you don’t have an image, don’t worry. That’s what we are here for. We’ll find one that fits your post.
  • The editor may make recommendations for edits in length or content. Note: we will always work with you if there are any edits or suggestions, and will not make publish posts with edits without your permission. These are your words. We are simply here to help you along in the writing process.
    Note: Publication of any submission is at the discretion of the editors of the DOLLS blog.
  • If there are any edits, the writer and editor agree on edits the blog will be posted by our Blog editor.
  • Once posted on the blog, we will share it on our social media pages (Facebook) and the DOLLS website. Also, please share on your social media page and trust the Lord will bless those people who come across it.
We pray God would use our words and prayers to faithfully build one another up in love and good works, delighting in Christ, and declaring His glory before a watching world.