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Hosea: An Exegetical Study

Hosea: An Exegetical Study

“As we will see throughout Hosea, God uses this prophet’s life as a model for the mercy He bestows on Israel and on us.“ The goal of this study is…

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“I confess to forgetting that God is constant. I expect Him to change at the drop of a hat, to suddenly toss out mercy or abandon grace. Typing out a…

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Faithfulness To Godly Standards

Faithfulness To Godly Standards

“God created us for a reason – to bring glory to Him and to bring others into a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. We do that by being different, acting…

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The Biblical Standard of Sin

The Biblical Standard of Sin

“Without a biblical definition of sin, we no longer have the understanding or guidelines to know what sin is and what it is not.” A collaboration by Gale Carter &…

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Is God Faithful?

Is God Faithful?

“We can look back across all 66 books of the Bible and see the threads of God’s eternal plan, read the numerous accounts of His deliverance, and rejoice at the…

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Fear & Hoping in Corona Virus

Fear & Hoping in Corona Virus

“Regardless of exactly how that looks, our response in this unprecedented situation of coronavirus needs to be one that ultimately honors God.“ Collaboration written by Abigail Croft, Rachel Schultz &…

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Who Is Worthy Of Respect?

Who Is Worthy Of Respect?

“At the base of our being, beneath our heritage, our accomplishments, or what we want others to see us as, we are created in the Image of God, and that…

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Girl, Read Your Proverbs

Girl, Read Your Proverbs

“Gossip is tasty, it’s fun. It gives the gossiper a sense of power. Power to shock and awe, power over others’ emotions or actions. But gossiper beware. “ Written by…

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Why do we avoid being in community?

Why do we avoid being in community?

“Despite inherent difficulties, mankind cannot function properly without community. Trying to go without it is like trying to survive without food: not possible.” Community can be a scary, difficult thing.…

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Why We Need Community

Why We Need Community

“I need people to keep me focused on Christ, point out my mistakes, encourage growth and share the burden of my hardships. And, believe it or not, there are people…

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